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Dan Pipitone
Co-Founder of TradeZero, a fintech brand providing real-time trading technology with commission-free pricing of the US equity and options exchanges, and CEO of TradeZero Holding Corp.
Tim Bohen
Lead Trainer of the SteadyTrade Team, a trading education & mentorship program offered through StocksToTrade. Through this role, he’s cemented his place in the day trading community as one of the most sought-after trading educators.
Monday, August 8th
3:30 PM EST
Join TradeZero's Dan Pipitone with StocksToTrade's Tim Bohen
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Dan Pipitone
Co-Founder ofTradeZero, a fintech brand providing real-time trading technology with commission-free pricing of the US equity and options exchanges, and CEO of TradeZero Holding Corp.
Tim Bohen
Lead Trainer of the SteadyTrade Team, a trading education & mentorship program offered through StocksToTrade. Through this role, he’s cemented his place in the day trading community as one of the most sought-after trading educators.
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